Tokyo University of the Arts Admissions > FAQ & Mail
FAQ & Mail
When is the application period of the entrance examination?
There are two periods opens for the application. It depends on academic calendar of each faculty and department. For the department of Architecture, Inter Media Art, Conservation of the Postgraduate school of Fine Arts, and the Postgraduate school of Music are opened in summer (August). For the other departments are opened in winter (December or January).
I haven’t completed 12-year program of school education in a foreign country.
Please contact us before you apply.
Before a foreign student apply for the admission, is it necessary to take an examination which certify the language proficiency of primarily non-native speakers of Japanese?
Applicant‚“ to the undergraduate course are required to take the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) organized by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).
For the applicants to the graduate school, it is not necessary to join in the EJU. However, it is required to have a working level of Japanese language and the basic academic knowledge are needed to study as all class and examinations are held in Japanese. -
Do foreign students, same as Japanese students, have to take an examination of National Center for University Entrance Examination?
Foreign students do not have to take an examination of National Center for University Entrance Examination However, Foreign students those who apply for the undergraduate school are required to take the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) organized by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).
Please show the passing mark of Nippon Ryugaku Shiken [EJU]
We don’t open the presence of passing mark.
What kind of document should I submit?
Please check the Guidance for Prospective Students.
Can I translate my academic record in person?
Yes. Please submit academic record you translated.
How can I recognize my examination result?
We inform the result in our university and web site.
Is there any scheme of scholarships for foreign students?
There is no scholarship scheme for foreign students set up by university itself. However, we will inform to foreign students about the scholarship information time to time whenever we get application form from scholarship foundations. We strongly recommend the foreign student to secure a firm financial plan so that they would be able to study here efficiently.
Is there any dormitory for foreign students?
There is a Tokyo University of the Arts dormitory, “Geishin-Ryo”. It open to both Japanese and international students.
Other than the University’s dormitory, there is the Tokyo International Exchange Center (TIEC), a facility provided by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) for outstanding graduate students, researchers, and others. This is also open to international students as well as Japanese students who are keen to get involved in international exchange.
The University also has a partnership with a company that arranges private flats for international students.
You can get further information from the website GEIDAI × GLOBAL.
Is there any Japanese course for foreign students?
To improve Japanese ability “Japanese beginner’s class”, “Japanese intermediate class”, “Japanese advanced class”, and “Japanese circumstances” as the special subject for foreign students are opened.. The foreign students who are enrolled on the regular course and research student of our university can join in these classes.
Is there any scheme which foreign students can enroll on the short-term exchange program?
The students from overseas affiliated universities/institutes under the exchange agreements between our university can enroll in the period of less than one year .(Please see “Overseas affiliated Universities / Institutes” in the our university outline).
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Student affairs
Tokyo University of the Art
E-mail: nyuusi-k(at)ml.geidai.ac.jp