Tokyo University of the Arts Admissions > SPECIAL ENTRANCE EXAMIMATION for INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS > Information > FINE ARTS
Global Art Practice
Guidance for Prospective International Students (2017 Academic Year) |
1. Eligibility to apply
Applicants to the Graduate School of Fine Arts (MFA Program) must be of a nationality other than Japanese and meet one of the following requirements:
- Has graduated (or is expected to graduate before entering the Graduate School) from a university in Japan, as stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947).
- Possesses a bachelor’s degree (or expects to obtain such degree before entering the Graduate School) as stipulated in Article 104, Paragraph 4 (National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation) of the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947).
- Has completed (or expects to complete before entering the Graduate School) a 16-year program of school education in a foreign country.
- Has completed (or expects to complete before entering the Graduate School) in Japan a 16-year program of school education through a distance-learning course offered by a foreign school.
- Has completed (or expects to complete before entering the Graduate School) in Japan a foreign university program specified separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan and offered by an educational facility operated as part of the educational system of the foreign country in question (subject to the condition that students completing such program are considered to have completed a 16-year program of school education in the foreign country in question).
- Has completed, on or after the date specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, a specialized program at an advanced vocational school, which is specified separately by the Minister (subject to the condition that the program requires at least four years to complete and satisfies other criteria specified by the Minister).
- Other persons deemed eligible by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan
- Possesses a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree by completing a program at a foreign school,
which requires more than 3 years of study. The school must be properly acknowledged by a certified
personnel of the government or other appropriate institutions in the foreign country, or is specified
separately by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. Students
can also complete such program in Japan through a distance-learning course offered by a foreign school,
or complete the program at an educational institution acknowledged in the school education system of a
foreign country, if it is designated as in no.7.
2.When to apply
Online applications and supplemental documents are typically accepted in early August.
Please see the Guidance for Prospective Students to find out specific dates for the year you are applying.
3. Screening fee
Amount: 36,000 yen
Payment procedure
>> Details
4. Documents to submit
>> Details
5. Selection method/Examination day
We decide whether to admit a student based on comprehensive evaluations that include assessments of academic abilities by the Graduate School (including technical examinations and oral examinations), an interview, and review of documents, essays, and a portfolio submitted by the applicant.
>> Details
6. Announcement Of Results
Late September
Information on this page is from the 2016 Guidance for Prospective International Students.
Please wait for the updated Guidance for the year you are applying.
Guidance for Prospective International Students (2017 Academic Year) |
1. Eligibility to apply (Japanese Only)
>> Details
2. When to apply
Online applications and Supplemental documents are typically accepted in late November.
Please see the Guidance for Prospective Students to find out specific dates for the year you are applying.
3. Screening fee
Amount: 36,000 yen
Payment procedure (Japanese Only)
>> Details
4. Documents to submit (Japanese Only)
>> Details
5. Screening method/Examination dates (Japanese Only)
>> Details
6. Announcement Of Results
Late February
Information on this page is from the 2017 Guidance for Prospective International Students.
Please wait for the updated Guidance for the year you are applying.