東京藝術大学入試情報サイト > News > 国際芸術創造研究科 > 【国際芸術創造研究科】入学手続関係書類について/Graduate School of Global Arts, Admission Procedures Documents

【国際芸術創造研究科】入学手続関係書類について/Graduate School of Global Arts, Admission Procedures Documents



To successful applicants,

Successful applicants will be sent a “2024 Admission Procedures for the Graduate School of Global Arts” by mail.
Please follow the instructions and download the documents related to the entrance procedures for the applicable entrance exam.

The password for downloading is written on the document that was mailed to you.
Please keep the documents in a safe until you enroll.


※該当する課程をクリックすると各トピックにジャンプします。Click on the relevant course to jump to each topic.

修士・博士後期課程/MA Program and Ph.D. Program
研究生/Research student

修士・博士後期課程/MA Program and Ph.D. Program

1.全員/All successful applicants


入学手続ページに戻る/Back to Admission Procedures page

研究生/Research students

1.全員/All successful applicants

入学手続ページに戻る/Back to Admission Procedures page