Tokyo University of the Arts Admissions > MUSIC (Private students) > Undergraduate Students
MUSIC (Private students)
Undergraduate Students
NewGuidance for Prospective Students (2025Academic Year) Documents to submit with your application (2025 Academic Year) |
Please download and submit the required documents on the web page below:
>> Click here
Special Soloist Program (undergraduate)
Guidance for Prospective Students (2025 Academic Year) |
Applicants who apply for Special Soloist Program have to request application documents by mail. Application documents for Special Soloist Program are Japanese only.
Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope along with an International Reply Coupon (IRC) to the address below.
Write on an envelope
1. Course (Special Soloist Program)
2. Name of the department
Send to
Tokyo University of the Arts
Admission affairs in MUSIC
12-8 Ueno Park, Taito-Ku, Tokyo 110-8714, Japan
・Application documents will be provided by the university free of charge; however, all postal charges are the
responsibility of the applicant.
・It takes about one week after we sent before you receive.
・Please wait for the updated Guidance for the year you are applying.
Practical Music Course
NewGuidance for Prospective Students (2025 Academic Year)
Documents to submit with your application (2025 Academic Year) |
Please download and submit the required documents on the web page below:
>> Click here
Non-degree Students
Guidance for Prospective Students (2025 Academic Year) |
Please download and submit the required documents on the web page below.
>> Click here